Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Motto

Life is like riding a bicycle. 

To keep your balance you must keep moving.

~Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day One: Vernal Equinox

Today, in celebration of the spring and some other wonderful news this week, I am officially kicking of first day of my personal raw food challenge!

100% raw until May Day.

Just to see if how I do and if it works for me. I have been dabbling but the time has come for full commitment! I did excellent today. I made a great soup for dinner.

Equinox Gazpacho.
3 Medium Tomatoes
1 clove garlic minced
1 TBSP of Raw Honey
2 springs of Basil
3 sprigs Parsley
1 sprig Oregano
1 sprig Thyme
Pinch of Celery Salt
1 tsp Chili Flakes
Pepper & Salt to Taste

Blend briefly until coarse & chunky, this will form the base of the soup.

2 Cucumbers chopped into fine chunks
2 small Carrots shredded

Stir veggies into soup base.

Oh, my good news... CT scan is back and I and by the time the challenge is over I will be cancer free for three years.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rawkin' the green juice at work

I give up on the middle path... it simply does not work for me. I was trying to simply focus on eating real whole foods and favor vegetables but not exclude anything from my diet. But, it is too easy for me to justify eating things like whole grain bread because it is whole grain and there by a healthier option... But I know these things do not work well in my body. So, I have revised my plan to get out of set-back city.

The plan is to do as close to 100% raw as I can at least for the next 30 days. Last night, I finally ordered a dehydrator, something I had been debating doing for the last year. I never could justify it because It did not seem like a necessity as I was still eating cooked foods. I also stacked up all the raw food books I own on my nightstand so they are right at hand.

This morning I broke out the juicer and made up a green juice so I am off to a pretty good start. After work I want to plan out the menu for the next few days so that I stay on plan.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

one step forward...

one step back...

I have been doing excellent staying on my food plan and getting in my cardio for the last two weeks and the results are in. I am feeling better, sleeping better and I can already see improvements in my endurance but I still find myself feeling discouraged this morning. I did not lose any weight. Granted I know I have a crumby scale and I could replace it but I think that would not change the fact that I did not see a loss. I also know it is not a great thing to obsess about the scale and the numbers but it is so hard not to. Progress can be measured many ways and I have seen an improvement but as an obese person those numbers mean quite a lot. Every pound is tied to how others perceive you. I look fat and lazy and I am not. I look like I graze on bon-bons and I do not. I know that we can not control the assumptions others make about us but it still is a challenge for me to not connect my self image to the way society see me. This is my struggle on top of trying to make real and lasting changes which honestly is enough of a challenge. I want to be strong and to be seen as strong. I want transformation. I want BIG change. I want others to see the changes and I want them to cheer me on and be inspired by it.

It makes no sense to me why I have not seen my weight budge. It makes no sense to me why I care what others think. I need to just have a little more faith in myself and in the process. I need to focus on what it working and the positives.

So for today, the good news is that I really love my Vibram FiveFingers! I have always had a love/hate relationship with running shoes because they never fit my feet well. I have a wide foot and a narrow heel so I have had more than my fair share of blisters from heel slip. I also really love how well I can feel the ground beneath my feet. Grass, gravel, cement... whatever the surface I can feel it. I also like that I do not have the tendency to overpronate like I do in running shoes. It used to be I would walk along a slanted curb and I could twist my ankle in a flash. With the Vibram FiveFingers I have a much better sense of the surface of the ground and I no longer have to think about it, my ankles and feet compensate for the uneven terrain. Although I have mostly been walking to get started I am look forward to actually getting started with running.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting Ready...

Laying some groundwork during the full moon tonight. I feel excited that things are taking shape here. I wish there was more time in the day...
I realize that I have not posted any real details about this little project of mine yet... but I will be working on laying everything out so that it makes sense. For now, I am laying out the space and setting up things in the background. Starting a project at a given time does not mean that it has to be finished on that day... small beginnings can be powerful! Think for just a moment about seeds. Some are so tiny and they can grow into enormous trees...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Beginning

I am setting an intention in this place to change my life. The details of this change will be laid out as the month progresses. The idea has been in motion for a while. This New Year's Eve on the Blue Moon I did not set a bunch of resolutions but I planted a tiny thought seed... I wanted to wait for a more personal time. Today is my 39th birthday and I thought today would be a better starting point and Friday night the full moon will be the largest of the year. It seems an auspicious start.